Fonoaudiología activa desde 2000... con el ánimo de proveer información a los Fonoaudiólogos y estudiantes. Minibiblioteca de artículos recientes. Fonoaudiologos trabajando la deglución desde hace mas de 70 años...

viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

Apneadel sueño: Tonsil Removal Might Cure Bedwetting in Some Kids With Sleep Apnea

25 de mayo de 2011 a las 7:40
MONDAY, May 16 (HealthDay News) -- Half of children with sleep apnea who also wet the bed might stop their bedwetting if their tonsils or adenoids are removed, new research suggests.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is marked by interruptions in breathing while asleep; it is common among children with enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Exactly how sleep apnea results in bedwetting is not fully understood, but hormonal changes may play a role.
However, half of the 417 children in this latest study who had sleep apnea and were bedwetters stopped wetting the bed after they had their tonsils or adenoids removed. Children in the study were aged 5 to 18, and were followed for just under one year after their surgery, on average.
Those who did not stop wetting the bed after the surgery were more likely to be born prematurely, be male, be obese or have a family history of bedwetting, the investigators noted. Premature birth was the greatest predictor of continued bedwetting after surgery.
More:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_112107.html

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