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viernes, 1 de enero de 2016

Early Intervention Speech Therapy

29 de abril de 2011 a las 9:07

Once again my 18 month old daughter is in another "picky" eating phase....or maybe she is just acting like a toddler?! One day she eats everything I put in front of her and will sit for a whole hour quietly munching away on the variety of nibbles I've given her. Other days, she barely touches her plate. She firmly tells me, "No Mommy," and swiftly pushes away the apple I just cut or the carrots that having been freshly steamed. Even some of her favorites like Cheerios and good ol' macaroni and cheese have not been enticing these last few days.
So, just for fun and to see what would happen, I decided to rummage through my kitchen and make a fun little food plate for my daughter for lunch. I had leftover pancakes from yesterday's breakfast, bananas, pineapple, grapes, baby carrots and yogurt melts (Gerber makes them) - all of which my daughter has seen and tasted before, although may not necessarily prefer to eat.
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